
We will sit in this darkness until
The answers are revealed
So, quietly, if you must
Take a moment, to see
Right through me

I can't do the impossible
So you can't expect me to be

Time to start this shit up again.

Hey bastards.

I guess It's about time I start blogging again.
I won't have anything nice to say here so if you think I'm a maniac and fucking mental I take it as a compliment cuz I FUCKING ROCK!

My open letter

This is my open letter,
This is something to remember.
I won't be buried before my time,
I'm not searching for forever,
I've got my eyes opened wide,
I've been searching under rubble from the past,
just looking for a reason to make your life last.
No need to look skyward for you to find hope,
no need for redemption to be saved from the rope,

Fuck No!

I'm not searching the sky for a reason to live
'cause I found beauty right here and found the passion to give,
so let me give you my heart, let me give you my tears,
let me give you my life, let me give you my fears...

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